Welcome to my personal collection
of antique cameras.
If you’ve found my site, perhaps you’re an aficionado of early photography or maybe a collector of vintage cameras yourself. If so, I hope you’ll take a few minutes to become familiar with some fine examples of pre-1900 cameras in my collection.
I’m not displaying cameras for commercial purposes. I just want to share some representative pieces spanning some important periods in photographic history: Camera obscuras, Daguerreotypes, wet-plates, multi-lens cameras, Detective cameras, dry plates, and George Eastman’s historic No.1 Kodak film camera.
I don’t purport to be an expert on antique cameras. I’m just an inquisitive guy who loves the early years of camera evolution … studying, learning, and occasionally buying magnificent Vintage cameras that “catch my eye”! I hope you enjoy! Stu Fabe
Polyorama Panoptique
Schoenner Magic Lantern
Camera Obscura 1820s
Brass Camera Obscura
Wooden Camera Obscura
American Daguerreotype
French Daguerreotype
Lewis Daguerreotype
Sliding Box Wet Plate
Bertsch Wet Plate
Dubroni No. 2
Six-Lens Sliding Box
Rouch Four-Lens
French Four-Lens Wet Plate
Bon Ton Ferrotype Camera
Carte de Visite
Dallmeyer Stereo
Lancaster Special Stereo
Shew Stereo
Anthony Stereo Novelette
Fallowfield Stereo
Billcliff Stereo
Francais Stereo Camera
French Stereo Graphoscope
Simon Wing Camera
Royal Mail Stamp Camera
Gray's Vest Camera
Scovill Oak Detective
Tisdell & Whittlesey
Scovill Detective Camera
Kodak No. 1 String-Set
luzo camera
Ford's Tom Thumb
Griffin Cyko No. 1
Darlot Rapide
ABC Ordinary Kodak
Demon Camera
Passe Partout
Faller Ferrotype
Pocket Kozy Camera
Sigriste Jumelle
Marion Academy
Bruns Detective
Lancaster Rover
Expo Watch Camera
Kombi Graphoscope
Mendel Strut Camera
Blair Lucidograph
Rochester Optical Co. New Model Improved
Anthony Champion
Rouch Tailboard
Putnam Marvel
Blair Cincinnati Reversible Back
English Tailboard
Baird Folding Hand Camera
Anthony Ascot No. 1
Pathe Baby Movie Camera
Photo Ephemera